Quick Start Guide
Welcome! This guide will walk you through installing and setting up MetaJob, a job board solution powered by Next.js & Strapi.
🔹 Before You Start: You need a valid license and a private NPM key to install MetaJob’s backend and UI theme.
📌 Get your license here:
👉 Metajob - Job Board App with Next.js & Strapi (opens in a new tab)
✅ Prerequisites
Ensure you have the following installed:
- Node.js v20 or higher
- pnpm (Recommended for managing dependencies)
📌 Install pnpm
npm install -g pnpm
Installation Steps
Download the Code Files
If you purchased MetaJob from JS Template, you will receive the complete codebase and a license activation token directly via email.
If you purchased from ThemeForest, please email us to request your activation token for installation and setup.
A valid license token is required to run the project.
Before getting started, make sure you have:
✅ MetaJob Codebase (full project files)
✅ License Activation Token
Open the project in your preferred code editor (e.g., VS Code (opens in a new tab))
🔧 Configuring Environment Variables
To set up your environment variables, follow these steps:
Rename the Example Environment File
In the root of your project, locate the example.env
file and rename it to .env
mv example.env .env
Set Up Backend Environment Variables
Navigate to the backend directory and rename the environment file:
mv apps/backend/example.env apps/backend/.env
Add your license token to the root of .env
export LICENSE_TOKEN="Your_License_Token_Here"
Create an .npmrc
In your project root, create an .npmrc
file and add the following content:
Alternatively, you can export the license token directly in your terminal:
export LICENSE_TOKEN="Your_License_Token_Here"
✅ Install Dependencies
Once everything is set up, you're ready to install project dependencies:
pnpm install
Now, you're all set to run the project! 🚀
🚀 Running the Project
Before starting the frontend, make sure the backend is running first to avoid connection issues.
Start the Backend (Strapi API Server)
Run the following command to start the Strapi backend:
pnpm -F backend dev
Once started, you can access the Strapi Admin Panel at:
🔗 http://localhost:1337/ (opens in a new tab)
🔑 Generate an API Access Token
- Create an admin account in Strapi.
- Navigate to Settings → API Tokens.
- Generate a new Full Access API Token.
- Copy this token and add it to your root
export STRAPI_API_TOKEN="Your_Generated_Token_Here"
Start the Frontend (Next.js UI)
Once the backend is up and configured, start the Next.js frontend:
pnpm -F core dev
Your frontend will now be available at:
🔗 http://localhost:3000/ (opens in a new tab)
Now, you're ready to explore MetaJob! 🚀