Getting Started


Metajob is a job board built using the MERN stack, providing a comprehensive full-stack solution. The tech stack comprises TypeScript, Next.js, MongoDB, and Tailwind CSS. The project is structured within a monorepo and is managed with a turborepo.

Project Structure

The project is organized as a monorepo and comprises the following packages:

  • apps/site: The main site is constructed using Next.js and Tailwind CSS. You will deploy the site.
  • packages/next-mongo: A local package that provides essential functions using MongoDB. For more details.
  • packages/next-local: A local package that offers essential functions for local data storage.
  • packages/api-connector: A package responsible for connecting to the backend data source.
  • packages/eslint-config-custom: Configuration for ESLint, including eslint-config-next and eslint-config-prettier.
  • packages/tsconfig: The tsconfig.json file used throughout the monorepo.