WooCommerce with Next.js
WordPress Configuration
Products Tabs

Products Tabs

For the tab products section, you have to use the tab products configuration from the frontend. This will dynamically appeared at the frontend site

Custom theme

  • First go to the site>src>dictionaries>en.tsx from frontend app:

    Custom theme

  • Then here at the home section, go to the trending_products and then at the tabData array, change the title and the required query as you want:

tabData: [
					title: "New Arrival",
					query: {
						per_page: 8,
						orderby: `date`,
						order: "asc",
					title: "Best Seller",
					query: {
						per_page: 8,
						orderby: `popularity`,
						order: "desc",

  • Now update the data for different language like ar.tsx, es.tsx and other languages you use: